Mary S. CookeSex Introverts: The Quiet Rebels Who Are Secretly the Biggest Sex Addicts and the Best WritersShh… They’re About to Surprise You with Their Hidden Desires and Creative Genius!Feb 121Feb 121
Salty VixenLet me Tell you a Salty Vixen Story..Hello everyone in digital land. My name is Salty Vixen, also known as Rachel Kent. I write erotica. I am a musician. I have my own…Sep 30, 20245Sep 30, 20245
InILLUMINATIONbyChristineI Prefer Morning Sex to EveningBut doing both on the same day is even better!Mar 1Mar 1
Marialarsen3 Reasons Why ‘Vacation Sex’ Revives Your MarriageHere’s why vacation sex can be such a game-changer in a marriage, and how to make the most of it, according to research.Jan 36Jan 36
Marialarsenwhy single women over 40 are embracing their sexuality like never before?When I turned 40, I thought my best years were behind me. But little did I know, my journey into midlife would bring a newfound sense of…Jan 301Jan 301